Ei ECC81
inkl. mva.
Dette er rebranding av NOS GE 6201/12AT7WC, kjent for kvalitet. Rørene er testet og selekterte.
Some claim this is the best 82 made. Hard to get. We offer AT 1000 match pairs included.
This is now a famous ECC88/6922 type tube. In this case from a production made for Honvedseg. Selected and inspected using AT 1000. We match pairs without fee.
Much sought after EL34
We have a selection of scrutiniced tubes from a batch of these fantastic 6922/ECC88 russian eqvivalents.
A silent, beefy result may be expected from this tube.
JAN 12AX7, now more rare. Sounds good.
A really, really good 82.
The holy grail of 5751.
An important tuve where it is used. E.g. in Quad II.
One of the holy 83s.
A genuine standard tube.