Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 600.

En mindre versjon av Nu-Vista 800. MF er blitt berømt delvis for teknologien rundt Nu-Vista. Disse elektronrørene, konstruert for militære aktiviteter, er glimrende utnyttet i MF sine produkter, dedikert til disse rørtypene.

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Nu-Vista 600 

The new NuVista 600 integrated amplifier combines technology from several different eras of electronics design.

  • Nuvistor technology
  • Semi conductor technology
  • Surface Mount Design technology
  • CAD/CAM PCB design
  • Software control

The NuVista 600 combines nuvistor technology with Surface Mount Design and CAD/CAM PCB concepts. Essentially the NuVista 600 is the same as the legendary NuVista 800 but with less elaborate metalwork and 'only' 200WPC. Like it's big brother the NuVista 600 has extraordinary technical and sonic performance.

For Musical Fidelity, designing the NuVista 600 was a labour of passion and love. We have tried to achieve the absolute maximum performance from every part of the circuit.

The NuVista 600 integrated offers full-on, high-end performance, in a beautiful, relatively compact package, and gives a comfortable 200 watts per channel.


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